Vasileostrovskaya CHPP-7 of TGC-1 JSC is one of the oldest power plants in Russia. The CHPP was accepted into the "Electrotok" power system (predecessor of "Lenenergo") on the 31th of August, 1931 on the basis of the order of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR and was named HPP No. 7, and the ceremonial start-up took place on the 1st of October, 1932. Up to this point, the station provided thermal and electrical energy to a textile factory named after Vera Slutskaya.
The installed electric and thermal capacities of the station are, respectively, 135 MW and 1113.0 Gcal/h. The power consumers of the CHPP are industrial enterprises, residential and public buildings of the Vasileostrovsky district. The number of consumers is more than 200 thousand people.
Since 2018 there has began the work on the development of a project for the technical re-equipment of the heating plant to increase the supply of thermal energy by 32.86 Gcal / h to new consumers by removing restrictions in the operation of the cogeneration plant.
To make this project, there was set a task which was to replace obsolete condensate pumps of the 8KSD 5x3 type, installed in 1963 and of the 2KOSH80-250 type, installed in 2009, since these pumps could not fully ensure the required flow rate of the coolant. So, the maximum flow rate of the coolant was no more than 140 m3 / h, and the head did not exceed 131 m H2O.
Our company proposed a technical solution in the form of KSB Multitec A125/5 condensate pumps. These pumps met all the required technical characteristics, including the following criteria:
flow rate range - from 65 to 220 m3 / h, at a nominal flow rate of 140 m H2O;
the cavitation reserve does not exceed 2.4 m in the nominal operating mode;
power consumption 81.8 kW;
the efficiency is not less than 78%.
In addition to the main flow and pressure characteristics, the proposed technical solution also met the requirements for overall dimensions, which made it possible to place equipment without additional costs for demolishing the existing shop partitions.
The expert and technical council of the customer recognized our option as the best of more than 20 possible options for technical and layout solutions.
The Multitec A125/5 pumping unit manufactured by KSB will be assembled at the production site of KSB LLC on the territory of the Indigo industrial park (Moscow region) and equipped with an electric motor of the 7AVER series manufactured by Ruselprom LLC.
As part of this project, EnergoFront will supply six KSB Multitec A125 / 5 pumping units by the end of 2021, in accordance with the Customer's terms of reference, followed by installation supervision and commissioning supervision.
Project achievements