22 November 2013
Siberia generating company“ will have to construct and modernize 1830 MW of power energy by 2015. According to SGK investment program two energy units at Tom-Usinsk GRES (220MW) and two energy units at Belovo GRES (400MW) are being modernized.
Objects of technical re-equipment. Power input of each energy unit at Tom-Usinsk GRES-110 MW, start-up is scheduled for December 2013 and the end of 2014. Now PAO was dismantled, the new one is being constructed, the basements of the main building are being made, the new main equipment was contracted, ash-disposal area was extended. Power input of each unit at Belovo GRES is 200MW. Start-up is scheduled for December 2013 and the end of 2014.
Belovo GRES
Belovo GRES is a large condensate power station which is situated to the north-east of the city of Belovo, Kemerovo region. GRES is operated with coal from near-by hydraulic mine and industrial coal beneficiation products. The first energy unit with the capacity 200MW in set with turbo generator and universal- pressure generator with steam-production capacity 640 m/h and pressure about 14 Mn/m2( 140 kgs/sm2) was put into operation in June 1964; in 1968 the station reached design capacity 1200 MW when energy unit №6 was put into operation.
Under the realization of the invest task according to the project “Reconstruction. Technical re-equipment of energy units №4, 6 at Belovo GRES JSC “Kuzbassenergo” had to work out and select feeding pump sets with different parameter. Supporting project design-department of Siberia Research and Development Center-JSC “Novosibirsk TEP”.
Differential characteristics of this project were the solution of complex task according to the following:
1. Replacement of worn- out pumps (ПЭ -380 and ПЭ-430) with electric motors for the new ones with increasing of efficiency of pumps;
2. According to the necessity of regulation of range of pump sets. The design solution was usage of regulation drive with hydro coupling VOITH;
3. Providing minimal terms of delivery taking into account the schedule of start-up.
As a result of thorough selection the sets АПЭ-720-185 were chosen. Instead of three current sets for the unit there will be two feeding pumps ПЭ-720-185-4 with intermediate stage. Thus one of the sets will have regulation drive- hydro couplingVOITH type 682 SVNL 33.
EnergoFront specialists in coordination with “Hydromashservice” JSC worked on selection of optimal solution of electric motor that wouldl provide operation of set АПЭ-720-185-4 in all range of designed parameters. At the same time the problem of equipment adaptation to the current conditions was being solved. Finally four squirrel-cage electric motors produced by “Elsib” NPO were chosen.
Outline dimensions of electric motor 4АЗМ-6300:
EnergoFront specialists made operations of compatibility of drive and pump sets. According to the conditions of seismicity usage of vibro detectors for each bearing in two axes were additionally designed in coordination with JSC”Nasosenergomash “Sumy”.
Electric motors 4АЗМ-6300/6000 УХЛ4 were delivered to the Customer on time.
Now specialists of JSC “Nasosenergomash”Sumy”, “VOITH” and JSC “EnergoFront” are making assembling and start-up of feeding pump at energy unit 4 at Belovo GRES.
Tom-Usinsk GRES
Tom-Usinsk GRES- is the largest heat power station at the south of West Siberia. It consists of 9 energy units with total capacity 1272 MW. GRES is situated at the south of Kemerovo region, in Pritomsk district of the town of Myski, 25 kilometers from Novokuznetsk. GRES is used to fulfill the base-load demand of Kuzbass energy system, and it is a part of the Group “Siberia generating company” (SGK).
Construction of the station started in 1953. In 1965 capacity of the GRES reached the design- 1300 MW. Under the realization of the contracts about capacity supply “Siberia Generating Company” is making technical re-equipment of energy units №4 and №5 using two turbo generators КТ-120 whereby total output capacity of the station will be increased by 48MW that is up to 1320 MW.
Under the realization of investment project “Reconstruction. Technical re-equipment of energy units №4, 5 at Tom-Usinsk GRES JSC “Kuzbassenergo” had to work out and select feeding pumps for modernized units with increased capacity. Supporting project design-department of Siberia Research and Development Center-JSC “Engineering Center of Energy of Ural”.
Differential characteristic of this project was the solution of complex task according to the following:
1. Replacement of worn- out pumps with electric motors for the new ones with increasing efficiency of pumps;
2. Design and production of new type of pump with necessary parameters and assurance of their optimal quantity;
3. According to the necessity of regulation of range of pump sets the design solution was usage of regulation drive with hydro coupling VOITH ( one out of the three);
4. Providing minimal terms of delivery taking into account the schedule of start-up of modernized units.
Taking into account technical requirements from energy units №4 and №5 JSC “Nasosenergomash “Sumy” designed one-body pump set АПЭ-400-185 to be used as a part of regulating drive especially for Tom-Usinsk GRES.
JSC “EnergoFront” has worked through squirrel-cage electric motors produced by NPO “Elsib” JSC for the drive of feeding pump АПЭ-400-185.
Selection of electric motors was made for the pump set that was especially designed for the parameters of boilers at energy units №4 and №5 at Tom-Usinsk GRES. They can be operated both DOL and via hydro coupling VOITH.
Electric motors 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 were produced and delivered to the Customer on time. Now specialists are making assembling and all necessary start-up activities.
Electric motor 4АЗМ-3150, ready for delivery to Tom-Usinsk GRES.