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Reconstruction of feed pumps No. 1,2 PE-720-185, unit No. 3

20 January 2021

Kharanorskaya SDPP is the largest thermal power plant in Eastern Zabaikalie and the most powerful station of the Zabaikalie energy system. The station makes a huge contribution to the development of the region.

The main consumers of the Kharanorskaya SDPP are the mining industry, railway transport, and agriculture. All power generated by the plant is supplied to the wholesale electricity market. Electricity generation at the haranorskaya SDPP is over 2.7 billion kWh per year. Heat output - about 134 thousand Gcal.

Харанорская ГРЭС

The load of power unit No. 3 up to 225 MW is covered by one pump, and if a further increase in the load of the power unit up to 235 MW is required, a second feed pump is connected. The total flow of both pumps is leveled so that it is divided approximately equally, for each pump it will be 78% of the nominal. Accordingly, the efficiency of the nutritional value is reduced to 71%.

The customer set the task to modernize the feed pumps so that the power unit can handle a load of 235 MW on one pump to ensure redundancy and increase the feeding plant efficiency, as well as to reduce losses for own needs.

ThisIt is the first EnergoFront project , in which we act as the general contractor in a complex project.

Specialists of our company carried out design and survey work, as a result of which a technical solution was proposed to replace the internal bodies of PE 720-185-4 with the following parameters: delivery 740 t/h, head 2030 m.

Pump PE 720-185-4


Calculations showed that the replacement of the drive equipment of the pumping part is not required, which was reflected in the design documentation. The installation was carried out by an involved contractor under the supervision of our technical specialists.

The load tests showed excellent results: the power unit reached the specified power of 235 MW on one feed pump, all parameters of the pumping units were within acceptable limits. The pumping units are approved for continuous operation without any remarks.

Project achievements

General contractorReduction of costs for own needsIncrease in reliability of the equipmentModern highly effective equipment is applied

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