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Improved feed pump ПЭ-380-185-5 equipped with electric motor for the use by Gusinoozyorsk Hydroelectric Power Plant.

26 October 2017


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Gusinoozyorsk Hydroelectric Power Plant is one of the largest condensing power plants in Transbaikal, being located at Zagustayskaya Valley in Gusinoozyorsk (the Republic of Buryatia). The established capacity of Gusinoozyorsk Hydroelectric Power Plant is 1100 MW. The plant provides consumers of Buryatia and nearby regions with electric power and also provides Gusinoozyorsk with thermal energy.

In the frame of the program for modernization and technical improvement of equipment of the first stage plant units it has become a necessity to replace the existing ПЭ-380 feed pumps with the pumps having better performance characteristics in the context of the capacity increase of the first unit to 200 MW (the existing capacity is 170 MW) and connection of the pumps to the existing equipment and valve solutions.

In the course of unit reconstruction the task of changing the parameters of the feed circuit with the increase in performance and efficiency was being solved.

The equipment was chosen based on the following factors:

1. Customer’s special emphasis on the high level of reliability of equipment meeting all modern requirements

2. Pump installation into the already existing base

3. Maximum harmonization with the existing equipment at the operating pump plants

4. Optimal terms of equipment supply, mounting and commissioning

By performing their tasks, LLC “EnergoFront” specialists have offered the Customer the most relevant option – the improved pump ПЭ-380-185-5 by JSC Nasosenergomash Sumy Plant equipped with the electric motor 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 by ELSIB PJSC. The pump has a major reference with regard to the supplies, the best quality-to-price ratio, and also it fully complies with the technical requirements of the plant.

Feed pump ПЭ-380-185-5

"Pump ПЭ-380-185-5:

with the impellers positioned at one side,
with one case or two cases
(with the inner case divided into sections)
with the electric motor drive mechanism.

Friction type bearings with ring lubrication or forced lubrication act as rotor supports.

Shaft-end seals are of compression seal fitting type or end face type.

Main technological advantages:

  • The flow part is optimized, and pump efficiency coefficient is increased up to 80% as a result;
  • The design of the first stage is changed so that it became more resistant to erosion wearing process;
  • The lifetime of groove seals is increased thanks to the use of new engineering materials;
  • The insert made of thermally expanded graphite is used in the design of the main case connector – the assembling of the case and the main connector cover was made easier as a result;
  • The number of impeller vanes and distributor pipes (7/9) is optimized in order to reduce vibration;
  • The design of axial force relief module is changed, the scour protection is used.
  • Electric motor 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 by ELSIB PJSC was chosen as a ПЭ-380-185-5 pump unit drive mechanism. It has impressive advantages in comparison with its replacements:

  • major reference with regard to the supplies delivered to enterprises located throughout Russia;
  • full contact with the existing electric motor bearing bed which saves considerable time needed for mounting and removal;
  • high efficiency coefficient – 97.3 %;
  • presence of Monolith-4 stator winding insulation that has improved reliability and overheating resistance;
  • heat resistance class “F” when performing “B” class operations, which allows to have a significant heating margin.
  • Performance characteristics of the pump ПЭ-380-185-5

    It is important to notice that employees of the plant have a vast experience in operation of this type of ELSIB PJSC electric motors.

    Feed pump ПЭ-380-185-5 was equipped with temperature, pressure, vibration and axial displacement detectors at the Customer’s request. Besides, motor 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 was equipped with temperature, vibration detectors and the water leakage detector.

    Feed pump ПЭ-380-185-5 was equipped with temperature, pressure, vibration and axial displacement detectors at the Customer’s request. Besides, motor 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 was equipped with temperature, vibration detectors and the water leakage detector.

    At the present time the work order for production of the pump ПЭ-380-185-5 and electric motor 4АЗМ-3150/6000 УХЛ4 is opened. The supply is scheduled for May, 2018, and it is associated with installation supervision and adjustment supervision.


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