Project: Induction drive to complete pump set 20P-1 of drag “Hydromech-400” manufactured by JSC “Hydromechanisation” under the project “Extension and reconstruction of Ekibastuz GRES-2 with construction of energy unit №3” in building of dust suppression constructions at ash-disposal area of Ekibastuz GRES-2.
Ekibastuz GRES-2 produces electric power from high-ash Ekibastuz coal with two energy units each 500 MW and it has capacity of 1000MW.Its two energy units produce now about 12% from all power manufactured in Kazakhstan. Power from GRES-2 is used to assure the north of Kazakhstan. The customers are dozens of companies not only in Kazakhstan but also in Russia.
The construction of GRES started in 1979. Construction of 8 energy units each 500MW was designed in 1983 by NoTEP. Although in 1993 after the start-up of energy unit №2 the further development of the station was ceased. At the same time a solid foundation was done to construct energy units in future, e.g. water pool-coolant and ash-disposal area for 16 energy units, chemistry department for 8 energy units, fuel and transport departments for 4 units. The start-up of the first unit of GRES-2 was in December 1990, and in 22, December 1993 the second one was started.
Drawing.1 The site of energy unit №3.
Now the project “Extension and reconstruction of Ekibastuz GRES-2 with construction of energy unit №3” in building of dust suppression constructions at ash-disposal area of Ekibastuz GRES-2 is being realized. According to solution of technical project dust suppression is done by means of feed-up of clay cementing material to bottom-ash pulp to make connection material firm to bear wind. Clay used to connect bottom-ash is located below water level under the northern edge of ash disposal area. Extraction of clay is done with suction dredge that can get such a heavy ground. Under the project the Plant “Hydromechanisation” gained the right to design, production and supply suction dredge Hydromech 4000 Em Power with capacity 4000m3/h in pulp with milling –worm ripper.
Drawing.2 Suction dredge Hydromech 4000 Em Power
“Plant Hydromachanisation” was the largest plant in former USSR that produced powerful dredgers and auxiliary equipment. During its activity the plant constructed more than 1250 dredges of different types as well as pontoon cranes of booster stations and the company didn’t get any reclamations.
Being the company that produced large-scale serial production “Plant Hydromachanisation” became also a trial facility where in association with industrial design and construction companies the new equipment- dredges was being designed. The modern pump Велет 55/50 manufactured by “ Plant Hydromechanisation “ with capacity 3500-5800 m3/h was used as pump on dredge.
Drawing.3 Dredging pump Велет 55/50
Dredging pumps Велет 55/50 are used to transfer high-abrasive liquids with pH 6…12, density up to 2200 kg/m3, temperature from 278 to 343K( from 5 to 70°С), bulk concentration of solid inclusions up to 40%, micro hardness up to 11000MPa.Such dredging pumps are set on high capacity dredges series Hydromech 3800 and Hydromech 4000.
Drawing.4 Characteristics of pump Велет 55/50
As a drive of pump set instead of traditional synchronous electric motor JSC “EnergoFront” has worked out the solution of induction squirrel-cage electric motor FHC630LI12 (1600 кW, 6 кV, 500 rpm) produced by CG-Electric System (Hungary).
The company has more than a hundred-year history of production of electric motors and its specialty is production of electric motors acc. to individual requirements from customers (set on existing basement, double “squirrel-cage” for heavy start, load tests, etc.).
Drawing.5 Outline drawing of electric motor FHC630LI12
The specialty of electric motor is the possibility of work on non-foundation frame (on hard welded construction) as well as operation under the slant till 100.
Drawing.6 Electric motor FHC630LI12 (1600 кW, 6 кV, 500 rpm) ready for dispatch.
Electric motor FHC630LI12 (1600 кW, 6 кV, 500 rpm) was produced in tight period and got ready for dispatch. Factory tests proved the list of declared characteristics.
Drawing.7 Curves of factory tests of electric motor
Due to the conditions of the contract with the customer specialists of service department from JSC “EnergoFront” will make preliminary mounting of pump with motor at site of “Hydromechanisation” and also commissioning and start-up at site of Ekibastuz GRES-2 in the 3d quarter of 2014.