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Implementation of design work on the replacement of the vertical centrifugal electric pump unit of the Volkovskaya waterworks of the 1st lift of the State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg"

20 March 2023

The Volkovskaya Waterworks (VW) provides drinking water to consumers in the northern parts of the Kirovsky, Moskovsky, Frunzensky and Nevsky districts and the southern part of the territory of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg. The VW of the 1st lift is located at the address: Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue, 30 St., building A., designed to supply raw water from the river. Neva with pumping units to the VW site of the 2nd lift for the implementation of the water treatment process.

State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg"

On the VW of the 1st lift, 4 vertical centrifugal pumping units of type 40B-16 with a nominal capacity of 12 thousand m3 / h are installed, complete with a synchronous motor SDV-16-51-16 with a nominal power of 1600 kW. The VW of the 1st rise was erected in 1964.

The purpose of the work was to develop a design solution for replacing a vertical pumping unit of type 40B-16, complete with an electric motor, with a modern analogue of lower productivity to solve the following span style="color: #ee730c;">tasks:

  • increase in the number of operating modes of the station;

  • improving the energy efficiency of equipment;

  • replacement of obsolete equipment with modern ones.

To implement the event, the following design solutions have been developed:

  • replacement of the pump unit 40B-16 (capacity 12,000 m3/h, head 27 m) with an electric motor SDV-16-51-16 synchronous with a power of 1600 kW for a pump unit 800B-2.5/100-0 (capacity 6000 m3/h, head 27 m) with electric motor VAN 143/46-16UZ asynchronous power 630 kW;

  • replacement of auxiliary pipelines for cooling engine bearings;

  • replacement of 6 kV cable from 6 kV switchgear and replacement of control cables;

  • change in the control scheme of the pumping unit and the pressure valve with the replacement of the equipment of the control cabinet of the pumping unit and the pressure valve;

  • arrangement of a cabinet for monitoring and controlling a pumping unit with a programmable logic controller for collecting information from instrumentation and control sensors, as well as an operator panel for displaying a process flow diagram for monitoring and control;

  • integration of information signals from the monitoring and control cabinet to the existing dispatcher workstation with visualization in a separate window of the existing SCADA.

ГУП «Водоканал Санкт-Петербурга»

ГУП «Водоканал Санкт-Петербурга»

To determine the technical feasibility of performing work to replace the pumping unit, a visual and instrumental examination of the load-bearing building structures of the pumping station building and foundations for equipment was carried out with calculations of the bearing capacity of the structures. Based on the results of the survey, design solutions have been developed that provide for the dismantling and installation of the pumping unit without violating the building structures.

An important feature of the project was the development of a solution to improve the landing dimensions of the electric motor and pump in order to be able to supply a factory-made pump unit with dimensions that provide for the installation of an electric motor and pump on existing foundations.

Due to the fact that the building of the pumping station does not provide for the replacement of pumping units in the assembly, the solutions to replace the pumping unit element by element were worked out. In addition to the design and working documentation, a flow chart containing the requirements, sequence and rules for dismantling and installation work of the pumping unit has been developed, taking into account the design features of the building and the existing equipment of the VW building.

The result of the design work was the development of an optimal solution for replacing the existing vertical pumping unit without disturbing the building structures and equipment foundations, which ultimately significantly reduces the duration of construction and installation work and capital costs for the implementation of the event.

Project achievements

Increase in reliability of the equipmentSuitable timing of supply and installation of equipmentAchievement of the maximum unificationSelected equipment dosen`t require replacement of the base during installationModern highly effective equipment is applied

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