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Replacement of the feed pump at Sterlitamak thermal power plant

2 September 2024

Sterlitamak thermal power plant plays an important role in the energy system of Bashkortostan. The CHP supplies thermal energy to the enterprises of JSC Sintez-Kauchuk and JSC Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant, and also provides heat to social facilities and residential buildings in the second largest city in the region.

Стерлитамакская ТЭЦ

In recent years, a number of reconstruction and technical re-equipment measures have been carried out at the Sterlitamak thermal power plant in order to increase the efficiency and reliability of the equipment. The list of updated equipment includes the most important units for any CHP – feed pumps.

In August 2024, the competition for the supply of the APE-500-180-6 feed pump with an electric motor designed for installation at the Sterlitamak thermal power plant, a branch of BGC LLC instead of the existing feed pump of station No. 6 ended.

Our Company has been declared the winner in the competitive procedure and a supply agreement has already been concluded with BGC LLC.

The scope of delivery includes: PE feed pump-500-180-6 (JSC "HMS Livgidromash"), engine 4AZM-4000/6000 (NPO ELSIB), shut-off and control valves and instrumentation.

The scope of the contract also includes the performance of installation supervision and commissioning.

With the wish of reliable partnership,

team EnergoFront #FrontProject


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